Here’s a secret: I’ve always suspected the pigs in my Overworld are plotting something. In my tundra base, they’ve been known to use the snow to hop their fence, and sometimes I find them congregating in a corner, snort-whispering. I think they’re planning to overthrow my tradition of pig racing in favor of their preferred past-time: beet eating. But even my piggies’ most dastardly plans have nothing on the plotting porkers you’ll meet in the new Angry Birds DLC*!
That’s right, in this flappingly fantastic new world from the Oreville Studios and Rovio Entertainment, the pigs are up to their old tricks again, and it’s up to you to stop them! Playing as Red, your mission is to rescue your birdnapped pals, save your precious eggs, and thwart the pesky pigs’ grand plans. Battle your way through a uniquely blocky Cobalt Plateau, over the dangerous Piggy Junkyard, through Summer Madness, and across Pig City to try and find your friends. With each rescued buddy you’ll not only get their heartfelt gratitude, you’ll also unlock them as playable characters so you can use the unique skills of Red, Chuck, Bomb, Stella, and more to your advantage!